How to write an essay?

If despite the guide that we have provided to write an essay you need more resources, best essay writing servicedon't worry, since we have a list of courses that will help you better visualize the structure of an essay and, in addition, they will surely inspire you to be able to face the dreaded blank sheet. 

Udemy Platform Course

The Udemy training platform offers a free online course to learn how to write an essay. Aimed at university students with a sufficient command of Word and experience in basic academic writing, this course grants a certificate of completion. This course, which will teach you to develop the skills necessary to perform an essay, is taught in 24 classes that include readings and videos. The person in charge of teaching it is Professor Eduardo Escalante, who has a university degree in Linguistics and Literature, as well as a degree in Education.

Over 3,600 students rated the course 4.5 stars, it's your turn to try it out!

5 guides to writing an essay

On the internet, there are also a large number of guides that will help you better focus your efforts. We present you 5 resources that we have found and that are free: 

1. Guide for writing the essay

It is a manual prepared by the Spanish teacher Yolanda Gamboa, from Florida Atlantic University, professional essay Writing, in which some strategies are presented to improve the quality of the essays.

2. Guide for the preparation of an academic essay

It is a guide generated by teachers at the Universidad de la Salle Victoria, with the aim that their students have a practical guide to writing an essay appropriate to the expectations of the institution

3. Technical guide for preparing an essay

Teachers of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Querétaro prepared this practical and simple manual about the characteristics and conditions that all academic essays must-have.

4. Guide for the preparation of an essay

This guide, which follows the style and format guidelines provided by the American Psychological Association (APA), was designed to provide students at the Universidad Católica de Costa Rica with a comprehensive and practical manual for preparing research reports in the form of essays. You can download the guide at this link.

 5. The test and its characteristics

Presented in practical and concrete slides, this guide presents the fundamental aspects of this kind of texts, essay writing service UK, as well as recommendations for students who confront it.

We hope that these tips on how to write a good essay have helped you to start writing the one you have chosen.



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