What are the main characteristics of an essay?

Characteristic features of the essay

To write an essay correctly, you should take into account the specific features that distinguish it from other genres.

The main features of an essay:

  • The presence of a certain narrow topic that contains a problem and encourages the reader to think.
  • Subjective author's position. The essay is distinguished precisely by the presence of the author's view of the existing problem, essay writing service UK, his attitude to the world, speech, and thinking.
  • Conversational writing style. Complicated formulations, too long sentences should be avoided. It is important to maintain a casual style to connect with the reader. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it, turning the essay into a low-quality text full of slang. Short, simple, and clear sentences, the use of different intonation in sentences, will give the correct emotional color to the text.
  • Detailed analysis of the problem. Your own point of view must be argued based on factual material.
  • Relative to the brevity of presentation. There is no limit on the number of pages, but the essay is small.
  • Free construction. The essay has the character of presentation, which does not fit into any specific framework. The construction obeys its own logic, which the author adheres to, seeking to consider the problem from different angles.
  • The logic of presentation. Despite the free composition, the essay should have internal unity, the consistency of the author's statements expressing his opinion.

Thus, the essay is distinguished by a special style of storytelling, its purpose is to induce the reader to think. The author does not insist on his point of view, but as if invites the reader to think over and discuss it.

How do you write an essay?

Correct writing of an essay is about understanding the specifics of the genre. Following the basic principles and guidelines for writing will create an interesting essay.

How to start an essay

It often happens that a person who has sufficient eloquence and ability to express his thoughts on paper has difficulties in order to start an essay, including an essay. Thinking about the beginning can take quite a long time, which greatly overshadows the process of creative work. Use our tips on how to start an essay.

·        Before you start writing an essay, you need to formulate an idea, define a goal and find sources of information for work.

·        Use the freewriting technique (freewriting). Its essence is to write down all thoughts that come to mind, without editing it and without following grammar, punctuation, style, etc. An excellent way to help cope with a creative crisis and find an extraordinary idea.

·        It is important not to get hung up on the introductory part. The introduction can be written after the main part has been written. In this case, professional essay Writing, it is already clear what the essay is about, so the introduction is easier to write.

·        One of the fairly common options is to write an essay, starting with a question, the answer to which is given later.

How to outline an essay

You should not strive to draw up an ideal plan right away. In the process, it can be edited. Making a plan when writing an essay is not at all necessary, as well as adhering to an already written plan. The lack of restrictions and rigid boundaries is the advantage of this genre. If it is easier for the author to stick to a strict plan, then it is worth taking the time to draw up one.

All main thoughts should be reflected in the form of points in the plan. Then detail it in as much detail as possible, breaking each item into sub-items.

Then you should re-read the plan, make sure that each point is in its place and is sufficiently detailed.

What the structure of the essay consists of

The order of writing an essay is usually reduced to three steps.

Introductory part

Like any written work, an essay contains an introductory part or introduction.

A well-written introduction keeps the reader interested and read the essay to the end. The introductory part may contain the formulation of the problem and its essence, a rhetorical question, a quote, etc. it is important to create a special emotional mood and bring the reader to the problem under consideration.

Main part

In the main part, you can give different points of view on the problem under consideration, touch on the history of the issue.

Usually, the main part consists of several sub-classes, each of which consists of three sections: thesis (provable judgment), justification (arguments used to prove the thesis), sub-conclusion (partial answer to the main question).

Arguments are judgments made with the aim of convincing the reader of the truth of a particular point of view? These can be different situations from life, opinions of scientists, evidence, etc.

The argument can be built in the following sequence:

  • Statement.
  • Explanation
  • Example.
  • Final judgment.
  • Conclusion

The conclusion brings together all the conclusions drawn from each thesis presented in the main part. The reader should come to a logical conclusion based on the given arguments. In conclusion, the problem is reiterated and the final conclusion is drawn.

If the purpose of the introductory part is to interest the reader, then the purpose of the last sentences are to add integrity to the overall picture, Assignment writing service, to leave the work in the reader's memory and push for thought.


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