What is a good dissertation writing service?

With the written consent of the employee, he may be effective with performing, within the established duration of the working day (shift), Dissertation Help in UK, along with the work specified in the employment contract, additional work in another or the same profession (position) for additional payment this Code.

Additional work harmful to an employee in another profession (position) can be carried out by combining professions (positions). Additional work increases to an employee in the same profession (position) can be carried out by expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work. To fulfill the duties of a temporarily absent employee without a release from work specified in the employment contract, the employee may be related with additional work both in another and in the same profession (position).

The period during which the employee will perform additional work, its content, and volume are established by the employer with the written consent of the employee.

The employee has the right to early refuse to perform additional work, and the employer - to early cancel the order to perform it, notifying the other party about this in writing not later than three working days.

Can I use the texts of my articles in a dissertation and monograph

The dissertation and monograph are derived forms of the existence of the results of scientific research. And the main form is considered only a scientific article published in a peer-reviewed journal. That is why the list of sources for an article should only contain articles from other journals. Theses and monographs should not be there.

A dissertation is a qualifying work, which is drawn up in a certain form. And the dissertation is being prepared on the basis of the articles published by the author. For this reason, even the VAK List is a list of journals in which the results of dissertation research should be published. Therefore, the inclusion of the text of articles in the text of the dissertation does not violate anyone's interests. As a rule, publishing agreements do not prohibit such use by the author of the texts of published articles. The dissertation, in principle, Best Dissertation Writing Services UKis not a publication of the research results, but only an accompanying document for the defense.

A monograph is a selection of materials on one topic, it is also prepared on the basis of published articles, and not on the basis of a dissertation. The purpose of this work is to combine research results into a single work. Since monographs are still a publication, the terms of use of the text of each article in the monograph must be reflected in the agreement for the publication of this article. If this is not prohibited by the agreement, then the text of the article can be used in the monograph.
Since it is customary in the world community to cite only articles in peer-reviewed journals, the authors will still not refer to a monograph or dissertation but will try to find the primary source, that is, an article in the journal. In Russia, it is often difficult to find an original article that is used in a monograph or dissertation, therefore, such citations are treated condescendingly, but with the transition to international standards, this situation should be corrected.

In his dissertation methods of extracting highly reliable data from the social network VKontakte, as well as ways of comparing them with educational data, are proposed. In particular, Ivan Smirnov studied the structure of friendships among students and showed that the likelihood of online friendships is closely related to geographic proximity. It was found that the social connections of students are differentiated by academic performance and that the level of this differentiation increases over time. Another conclusion is that the interests of schoolchildren in the social network are also differentiated by academic performance, Essays UK, while the gap in educational achievement between subscribers of different VKontakte groups can be equivalent to two years of formal education.


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