What is an essay?

What is an essay

The word "essay" came into Russian from French and historically goes back to the Latin word exagium (weighing). French ezzai can be literally translated by the words experience, top academic writing uk, trial, attempt, sketch, essay.

An essay is a prose essay of a small volume and free composition:

An essay is a prose essay of a small volume, expressing individual impressions and considerations on a specific occasion or issue and obviously does not pretend to be a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

In the "Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words" by L.P. Rat essay is defined as "an essay that treats some problems, not in a systematic scientific form, but is free form."

The Great Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definition: "Essays are a genre of philosophical, literary-critical, historical-biographical, journalistic prose, combining the author's emphasized individual position with a casual, often paradoxical the presentation focused on colloquial speech."

"The Brief Literary Encyclopedia" clarifies: "An essay is a prose essay of a small volume and free composition, treating a particular topic and representing an attempt to convey individual impressions and considerations, one way or another connected with it."

Some signs of an essay:

·         The essay expresses individual impressions and considerations on a specific occasion or issue and certainly does not claim to be a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

·         In the content of the essay, first of all, essay writing service UK, the personality of the author is evaluated - his worldview, thoughts, and feelings.

This genre has become popular in recent years. M. Montaigne is considered the creator of the essay genre ("Experiments", 1580). Today, the essay is offered as an assignment quite often. It is one of the main components of the package of documents (for admission to an educational institution or employment). The essay competition helps you choose the best from the variety of the best!

Writing an essay is also important for a young professional.

How the candidate managed to present himself, how he described his achievements and failures, allows the employer to determine whether this person is good enough for the business, whether his work experience is sufficient to justify expectations in the future and benefit the company (organization, enterprise).

The purpose of the essay is to develop skills such as independent creative thinking and writing your own thoughts.

Writing an essay is extremely useful, because it allows the author to learn how to clearly and competently formulate thoughts, structure information, use basic concepts, highlight causal relationships, illustrate the experience with relevant examples, and argue for their conclusions.

The most relevant topic for a young professional's essay is "Me and my career". The subject of the essay is given so that the commission (employer) can easily assess the peculiarities of your thinking, creativity, enthusiasm, and potential. The best way to achieve this result is to write directly and honestly while remaining honest with yourself. If you're not honest, write my essay onlinechances are your writing will be considered unnatural.

Structure and outline of the essay

The structure of the essay is determined by the requirements for it:

1.      the thoughts of the author of the essay on the problem is presented in the form of short theses (T).

2.      the thought must be supported by evidence - therefore arguments (A) follow the thesis.

Arguments are facts, phenomena of social life, events, life situations and life experience, scientific evidence, references to the opinion of scientists, etc. It is better to give two arguments in favor of each thesis: one argument seems unconvincing, three arguments can "overload" the presentation made in a genre focused on brevity and imagery.

When writing an essay, it is also important to consider the following points:

1.      The introduction and conclusion should focus on the problem (in the introduction it is posed, in the conclusion - the author's opinion is summarized).

2.      It is necessary to highlight paragraphs, red lines, establish a logical connection between paragraphs: this is how the integrity of the work is achieved.

3.      Style of presentation: the essay is characterized by emotionality, expressiveness, artistry. Experts believe that short, simple sentences with various intonations and skillful use of the "most modern" punctuation mark - a dash - provide the desired effect. However, professional essay Writing, style reflects the personality traits, it is also useful to remember this.

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